The adventures of peanut and buttercup- Caye Caulker Belize edition

With a slight bit of humid stickiness and exhaustion, we arrived on the cute island of Caye Caulker, where the main modes of transportation are foot (shoes optional), bike, or golf cart. We hopped on the back of a golf cart and had a tour of the layout of the town, three roads, and our mini hut at Barefoot Beach tucked at the end.

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The first evening we went to a local bar to grab a snack and watch the Notre Dame game (who would of thought it was playing at the island bar!). Sean was very excited to see such a historic moment for the schoo. We experienced a bit of the local flavor staggering in and out, housed some delicious nachos and beers, and walked through the sandy streets back to our hut, weaving between the towns and beach side path picking flowers along the way. After a visit to our dock and hammocks, we put our heads down for some much needed sleep.

The next morning we awoke to the sounds of the tropics… Loud squealing hooting chirping birds….good morning…and oh my does it feel a bit warm. Hmmm no ac…. Ooh no power…and yup, no water. Guess we’ll be going au natural. We pulled on our wrinkly clothes, pulled back our sweaty hair, and went on a mission for my lifeline- coffee.

Upon a recommendation from a local, we found a cafe with belizean coffee (and fruit smoothies for Sean). Happened to be that Laughing yoga was just about to start…and wouldn’t you know we were ready to get our laugh on. We gathered with the local girl leading, two older women, and another couple to run through laughing exercises on the beach. It addition a small dog and two young boys joined based on their interest level at random moments. Quiet laughing, bunny hop laughing, phone laughing, flapping wings laughing, spirit laughing. I was looking for yoga that morning…little did I realize the form it would appear in.

We had a quick break due to rain, finished up our coffee, and continued on bike to explore what was know as “the split”, a place not to miss. During a hurricane the island was separated in two, and now that split of land allows for boat passage, and a gathering place for locals and tourists to sun bathe and drink. We took in the bit of sun, protected our  goods from the sketchy locals, and managed to get my first burn of the trip! Yay…Diane (Sean’s mom) was correct in her advice to cover up even when there is shade…my currently peeling shoulders are thinking I should have listened. and Sean is working on speeding up the peeling….yuck. And he says its a show of love. I’m not so sure about this.

The adventures of peanut and buttercup

This adventure started with a magical series of events too long to describe in this post…. But brought us to a place I had always dreamed of visiting as my “trip of a lifetime”, with such a special person in my life. After a red-eye flight into Belize city, we made our way with a random group of Dutch men (shared a taxi piloted by their “man” Dennis) towards the downtown port area.

Belize city port

Upon being dropped off at the port and buying our tickets, Sean started the day off with a refreshing gulp of Belikin beer…to then find out it was 11 am…slight time change miscalculation. Switch to breakfast time.

imageBelize city- Spoonaz cafeimage

With our newly earned few hours, we ventured to a beautiful oasis a few doors down called Spoonaz. Some COFFEE, messy ribs, and a nice convo with the owner about his multi-generational roots in the area refueled us for the next leg.

We boarded our first boat and enjoyed the 45 minute ride to Caye Caulker, a “backpackers” island north east of the city.
